We are living in an epic time right now! Never before has our country gone through a crisis such as this one with the COVID-19 epidemic.
How are you handling this challenge?
Challenge creates opportunity. This is a time for you to be productive and create an opportunity. For those of you gymnasts who are in the recruiting process and have a dream to do college gymnastics or acro and tumbling, here are just a few things to think about and get your creative juices flowing!
Take a prep class for ACT/SAT to enhance your scores
Read a positive, motivational book
Work on your flexibility/strength/cardio
Practice your routines by visualizing and also beam & floor in front of the mirror (arm moves only)
Work handstand holds or presses and concentrate on body position
Challenge yourself to eat healthy – try a new recipe
Make a vision board
Set goals for when you return to the gym
Send a positive email/letter to your coaches and/or teammates
Research colleges with gymnastics – www.roadtonationals.com
Research colleges with Acro and Tumbling – www.thencata.com
Watch college teams on YouTube
Research majors that interest you
Help your parents or neighbors with yard work
Plant some seeds
Enjoy the time with family – work puzzles, play card/board games
If you are talking to college coaches because you are at the level of that school, continue to update them about how you are creating an opportunity. I had a client post recently that she was sewing masks for her family. What a great way to create an opportunity.
None of us want to be quarantined in our houses – we want to go to the gym, hang out with friends and family, and get back to our normal lives. But, since we are challenged with being quarantined, let’s create an opportunity!
If you are a gymnast and would like an evaluation of your skills, JH Consulting is offering a 1-hour consultation at half the price -- now $50 vs. $100. We will review your background, watch your videos, give a recruiting overview, 10 schools to target, plus summer camps and fall clinics to attend. Contact us today by going to www.jhicksconsulting.com and click “get started” and fill out the form. Please list Luan Peszek as the advisor you heard from & write JH$50 on the form then I will give you a call!
If you are interested in getting started with the recruiting process, email me at
Luan.jhicksconsulting@gmail.com or go to the website www.jhicksconsulting.com and click “get started” to fill out a form.

Luan Peszek is an advisor for JH Consulting. JHC helps families navigate the recruiting process from start to finish with a proven track record of placing over 80% of their clients to college teams in both artistic gymnasts and Acrobatics & Tumbling. If you would like more information go to www.jhicksconsulting.com or email Luan at luan@jhicksconsulting@gmail.com.
