Tessa was nominated by the mother of one of her teammates. Tessa is a 12-year-old Level 10 Gymnast from Five-Star Gymnastics in Brunswick, OH. Despite several setbacks and transitions due to injuries and changes in schooling, Tessa has demonstrated perseverance, character, and positivity. She continues to pursue her goals with a positive attitude and encourages her teammates. To quote her teammate’s mother who nominated her, “At a very impressionable age these changes could have shattered even the spirit of many adults and she’s still smiling and doing what she loves.”
A few of Tessa’s favorites:
Favorite Gymnast: Shawn Johnson
Favorite Event: Vault
Favorite Gymnastics Achievement to Date: Level 9 Easterns as a first-year level 9
Congratulations Tessa! The Mamas at Gymnastics Mama are thrilled to celebrate your determination and accomplishments.
Do you know a gymnast with a special story? Has your gymnast overcome an obstacle, reached a goal, or provided support to a teammate? We'd love to hear about it and celebrate your son or daughter! Any gymnast chosen will receive a free gift from the Mamas at Gymnastics Mama.com. We will announce our December Gymnast of the Month on December 5th so submit your nomination today!